Interesting blog templates

The 100 best most interesting blog templates of 2013.

New technologies

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The Team

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personality of the client

Our custom designs are tailor-made to reflect the style and personality of the client and are the perfect way to showcase who you are and what your blog is all about.

lower priced pre-made blog designs templates

We also offer lower priced pre-made blog designs templates, and Blogger templates. We have blog design options for every kind, so be sure to visit our BlogCrunch to find the right choice for you.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Business Templates

Pixel Crash

Pixel Crash is a blogger template with 2 columns, magazine-styled, right sidebar, rounded corners, exclusive design for Blogger, ads ready, slideshow and posts thumbnails.


Sederhana is a blogger template with 3 columns, magazine-styled, exclusive design for Blogger, ads ready, footer columns, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, drop down menu, breadcrumbs, related posts, pagination, a background pattern, related posts support and well formatted threaded comments.
Excellent layout for blogs about news.


FinanceStock is a blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, fresh look, ads ready, footer columns, slideshow, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, tabs, drop down menu, a background pattern and simple look.

Friday, 28 March 2014

How To Make Your Blog Visitors Happy And Returning?

Returning Blog Visitors

Many bloggers live in a misconception that getting more trafficmakes them rank high and earn more money. Certainly, the more traffic you get the more revenue you can generate. But when you depend upon fresh and anonymous traffic every day, you’ll surely find a black day when all your traffic almost disappears.

I’m serious, even Darren Rowse had a day when he almost lost his business long back in 2004. He then realized not to place all his eggs in one basket i.e. depending completely on Google for traffic and revenue.
So, what should you look for? Both are important for a blogger to earn and rank his blog.
“A visitor is a temporary reader and a reader is a permanent visitor”

Both can benefit you and help you raise your income. But that’s not what we should consider now, one should be more concerned about “giving more to them.”

Relationship Management

Just like CRM, you should be more concerned about maintaining a long term relationship with your visitors. That’s what builds your readership. Treat your visitors as customers and try to respect them and make them your loyal readers. But the strategies to be applied will be entirely different here, because you will not have a direct contact with them. So, how can you implement it?

Tips for newbies:

Since you’ll have very less or almost zero traffic in the very beginning, it’s a little tough task for you to build readership. Hey! It’s not that difficult if you really capable. You shouldn’t just concentrate on writing for robots (search engines). I agree that it’s really hard to drive traffic to your blog via search engines. So, it’s better to drive them from other blogs. Confused?

You’ve not started a blog just for someone who is new to web. People who need your content were already active on the web somewhere in social sites or other blogs. Now your duty is to just make them know that you have the content that they’re looking for.

Here are some posts that can help you get what you want.
7 Smart Tips To Drive Traffic From Pinterest To Your Blog
How To Drive Traffic To Your Website With Facebook Images?
Most Effective Tips To Get Traffic From LinkedIn

Tips For Bloggers
Attracting visitors is easier than retaining them. You might be having anywhere between 1K to 100K readers i.e. followers and visitors. Have you ever worried about them? If not, it is the time to act to benefit them and get benefited from them.
Don’t post what you know, give them what they need
Don’t go straight into the topic & don’t end it the same way
Let them know that you have all what they are looking for
Show your visitors that you’re really caring them
It’s better to offer them incentives through giveaways

People want something especially prepared for them; all you have to do is, use direct speech. This makes them feel that you’re talking to them directly. Also, ask them some questions related to the post they are reading.

What happens when you ask a question? They come up with an answer and interact through comments to your post. By doing this you can’t expect everyone to comment, but at least you’ll see a spike in comments.
There is nothing great than story telling when you want to express something. That even works for bloggers. I don’t mean that you should always tell stories; include some real life examples in your posts. If your post is theory, the example you mentioned will be a proof to it.

Writing Quality Content To Stand Out Real High
The Concise Art of Crafting A Conversational Article

For you, it is a Blog and for your readers it should be a ‘Brand’. What is the difference? If you create a brand image for your blog in their minds, they’ll trust you. You know what; such readers even help your blog to reach their friends by sharing on social media.

Whether it is referral, direct or search traffic, a visitor lands on your web pages to find a solution to his/her problem. If your posts just solve such issues, he may not look back at you again. So, how to make them stick to your blog every day?

As said in the above tips, just notify him that he has more content on your blog that boosts his cognizance. Let me give an example to you.

If your post is Tips to Increase Facebook Fan Page Likes you can include a related post like ‘3 Creepy Myths about ‘Buying’ Facebook Likes Nobody Wants to Tell You‘. Yes, you’re right it’s ON Page SEOand you should never forget it.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

How to Convince Someone to Write a Guest Post for You

Get More Guest Posts
How did you convince me to write a guest post?

Here are five steps you can take that will make it easy for editors to say “yes” to your guest posts.

1. Write in the “you” voice, not the “I” voice

Readers want to feel like you’re talking to them, offering helpful advice and ideas—not like you’re talking about yourself. While the occasional anecdote can be effective, your best bet is to start out your post by talking to the reader, and writing about how what you’re about to share will change their life. Then delve into your personal anecdote.

Here’s an example of what I mean. Writing in the “I” voice might turn out a post that begins like this:

“I’ve always had trouble paying back my student loans.”

Writing in the “you” voice would look more like this:

“Having trouble paying back your student loans?”

The “you” there is only implied—“[Are you] having trouble paying back your student loans?”—but it’s still there. Here’s another option:

“Lots of students are having trouble paying back student loans. If you fall into this camp, listen up.”

That’s not the catchiest intro, but you get the idea—it’s written with “you”s rather than “I”s. This concept is essential throughout your piece, but most important in your introduction.

2. Don’t bury the lede

The biggest problem I see with guest posts is that they fail to have a focused introduction that tells the reader what they’re about to get—and tells them right away. In journalism, we call this “burying the lede.”

You only have a few seconds to catch and keep the attention of your reader. That means you can’t spend two paragraphs getting to the meat of your idea. Instead, you’ve got to get a running start, at least hinting at your main point from the very beginning.

If you’re having a hard time with this, see what happens if you chop off the first graph or two. Is it possible the piece would actually be stronger if you started with the second or third paragraph?

Even writers who offer fabulous ideas throughout their piece often have a weak introduction. Give your first few paragraphs extra care; they’ll make or break your post. And your editor will be particularly happy if s/he doesn’t have to rewrite your intro.

3. Write a great headline—even if you don’t have to

You may not be required to write a headline for your post, but guess what? It makes your editor’s job easier. The headline can be the hardest part; it’s got to be catchy, relevant and SEO-optimized. And it should match the voice of the other headlines on the site.

That means it will probably take some time to come up with a good one. But rather than completing your post and pitching it straight away, consider the extra effort it takes to create a fabulous headline part of the assignment.

There’s an added bonus here, too: if your headline is great, more readers will read, share and comment on your post. You’ll get more clicks on the link in your byline and more return for your investment. If you leave the headline up to the editor, there’s a chance they’ll come up with one that will serve you well, but if you take the time to do it yourself, you know you’ve done all you can to maximize eyes on the post.

Of course, it’s always the editor’s prerogative to change the headline, but that shouldn’t keep you from giving it your best shot. And take it from me—your editor will appreciate it!

4. Follow the publication’s link policy from the get-go

Each publication has its own policy about including links within the post¸ So either look for those requirements within the publication’s guest post guidelines, or ask the editor ahead of time.

At Brazen Life, we love to see links within the post so long as they’re relevant and helpful to our readers; in fact, we don’t run posts without links. But some publications have different preferences, often asking, for example, that the writer not link to his or her own blog. Getting this right the first time will make your editor’s day that much easier.

5. When in doubt, create a list

Having trouble getting your ideas across succinctly? Lots of us do, and lists can be a great help with that.

Here’s the good news: lists are popular with readers, too. Most posts with “5 Tips” or “5 Pieces of Advice” or “5 Reasons” get lots of clicks, which means if you’re good at writing list posts, you should do it.

I hate to advise this initially, because it’s so refreshing when a writer offers an awesome post that’s not written as a list or in bullet format. But bullets do make posts easy to read online. And if you’re struggling to write a helpful post, bullets can make it easier for you to convey your main ideas.

Following these tips—and making your editor’s job easy—won’t just help you land one guest post. If you abide by these suggestions, write a clean post and offer thought-provoking content, they’ll want you to write for them again down the line. And that means lots more guest posts in your future.

Do you have any tips you can add to this list? We’d love to hear them in the comments. And if you’re looking for other ways to use guest posts to attract new readers, stick around—later today, we’ll see how accepting guest posts on your blog can boost your traffic levels.